Monday, October 25, 2010


We did some pumpkin carving yesterday.

Carter told me since he is big enough to make his own PB and jelly sandwich, that he should be able to operate a knife and carve his own pumpkin. Yikes!! Fve years old going on twenty.

He did help me out, because we have this awesome kit that my Mom gave us.

Digging out the guts. Carter hates the smell and Hudson dislikes the texture. Great pair for pumpkin carving!

He drew out his idea first (see the little white paper?)

My neighbor helped get these sweet smiles out of my boys!

We had a bunch of fun! Lots planned for the rest of this week including a trip to Minnesota!

1 comment:

The Sneaky Mommy said...

Cute pumpkins!
Have a great trip to Minnesota! Hope there are some pretty leaves left!