The most important thing I learned was it really helps to spend a little time and effort tagging, folding and hanging items. It seemed like a pain this past week, when every other second one of my trouble makers were peeling tags off things, having hanger sword fights and dragging toys I wanted to sell to every corner of the house, but I am glad I did it. Also, when things are displayed neatly, the shoppers were less likely to rummage and throw things everywhere, like I have seen at other sales.
Even though it was fun, after it was over and things were packed away and taken to the Salvation Army, I breathed a HUGE sigh of relief. Oh, and having a helper is great too! Thanks Mom!
Here are some pictures that I posted on Craigslist of some of our stuff.
I hung up some of the nicer things, and most sold, except for a few of the winter outfits. Apparently, people weren't thinking about winter time since it was 90 degrees today!
Thanks to Lee and my Dad, Carter and Hudson had a wonderful time at the zoo today... and they were out of the way :)
If I would have walked up to your garage sale, I probably would have peed my pants with excitement! It looks so nice and organized--glad it was a success!!
Yay! I'm glad your sale was a success! I only wish I could've been there. I may have peed my pants right along with Abby, (although I have a better excuse since I have a huge baby pressing on my bladder). Everything looked so perfect! Isn't it so great to get rid of so much stuff AND make money from it?!
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