Saturday, September 27, 2008


My sister Rachel came to visit us this weekend, and we wanted to do something FUN!
The boys were feeling much better this morning (after being sick all week), so we decided after naptime we were going get some fresh air and check out an apple orchard. We ended up at the Center Grove Orchard in Cambridge, IA. It is about 25 miles from Des Moines, and well worth the drive. So many fun activities for the whole family, we spent most of the afternoon and evening there. Not only did we pick our own apples (all different varieties), we rode the hayrack ride, fed the many farm animals, Carter jumped on the Jumping Pillow, and the boys played in the Corn Pool. After all that excitement, we ended up in the country store. The carmel apples were awesome and I got a apple crisp mix to help me in using the precious fruit we picked.
Of course our adventure couldn't go without some cute moments:
In the car on the way there Carter wanted to know "Are we at the apple factory yet?"
I picked a small apple for Hudson to carry and that he did! He tightly grasped it the rest of the afternoon until we got to the car. He was so proud of that little apple!

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I think I will be dreaming tonight of all the apple things I can make this week... apple crisp, apple muffins, apple pancakes, carmel apples, apple pie...

Friday, September 19, 2008


This morning was our first MOPS (Mothers of Pre-Schoolers) meeting for the year. At the end of the meeting, they handed out a packet of already mixed dry ingredients for one of Carter's favorite things.... PLAYDOUGH!!! Carter and I mixed it up after nap and he had fun playing with it (outside on his picnic table). I thought I would share the recipe with all of you. I know we will have several hours worth of fun at our house

Perky Playdough

1 c. flour
1 package Kool-Aid (any flavor)
1 T. cream of tartar
1 T. vegetable oil
1/4 C. salt
1 c. boiling water

Mix all dry ingredients together. Add oil, then add in boiling water.
Mix thoroughly.
Wrap in plastic wrap or place in air-tight container.
Store in refridgerator.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Dentist, our 4-legged friends and my BIG eater!

Just a few random things from this week...
Carter had his first visit to the dentist a few weeks ago and they discovered a small cavity (that darn sippy cup of milk at night). So, we went back to have it filled and I was more nervous than him. Once again Carter surprised me! He did great. They made him smell the laughing gas (nitrous oxide) and did everything in like 5 minutes. We were in and out in less than 15 minutes. Hudson did great too, he sat on my lap while I held Carter's hand. All Carter remembers is that he smelled something a little funny, they put jelly on his tooth to make it sleep and then he was all done! The best part is that we have finally switched to water before bed... first couple nights were rough, but I kept telling Carter " Dr. Whittmore said no milk before bed."

It has finally warmed up a little this week, so we have been out in the backyard alot. Sunday Lee and Carter were out back and found a bunny nest with 5 baby bunnies in it. This has been all Carter talks about... and he wants to "check" on them all the time. Lee and I have explained over and over that he can't touch or hold the bunnies, because the mommy might not come back if she knows you have been messing with her home and babies. It's really hard to explain to a 3 year old that LOVES animals. Oh, and yesterday he found this HUGE frog by our patio too. He liked caring it around until it peed on his hand :)

I thought this picture was a perfect time to share what a great eater Hudson is. At most meals he can out eat Carter. He keeps shoveling in the food and will let us know if he wants more. He loves most fruits and veggies, chicken, mac 'n' cheese, hotdogs, and waffles, but his all time favorite is watermelon. He ate sooooo much of it this summer! In this picture he was eating some new Chef Buyordee ravioli.Yum yum!

My 27 lb. 14 month old!

Sunday, September 14, 2008


This past week I have felt way behind on everything. The laundry piled up, dishes that I normally do in the morning were left, no cleaning or picking up the house occured (by me anyway). This is all because I GOT A JOB! Okay, before anyone falls over or thinks it's about time...wait a just a minute!
I have been thinking about getting something really part-time for a while now, but with the increase of gas and grocery prices, I thought I might as well do it now. It just so happened that Mercy Medical Center had a PRN (as needed basis) job opening in the laboratory. I interviewed, which was an experience since I have been out of the job market for almost 3 years. I was almost nervous about it until I thought to myself, I am 30 years old, this is just a job interview, not something to get all worked up about and end up in the bathroom over!! It went really well, and after my background check and drug screen came back, they offered me the job. To be truthful, the thing that made me accept the job was the pay. With 9 years of lab experience I couldn't get a part-time job anywhere else for what I am making there.

A little background....I started working at St. Elizabeth's Hospital lab right after highschool because I didn't know what to do with my life, since so may people discourged me going to "beauty school"...So, my Mom said "you aren't going to sit around all summer, you might as well make some $$$" so, she steered me toward the job. I started out in processing which handles all the specimens (like when you get you blood drawn at the doctors office or your throat swabed for strep). When St. E's turned over the out lab specimens to Quest Diagnostics, I was one chosen to go to the new location on the day shift. I hated it at first, but grew to love it and made so many really good friends!! Then when a supervisor position in Processing came up at Nebraska LabLinc, I applied and got the job. I worked there for 2 years before we moved to Des Moines, and we decided I could stay home.

Last week was my first week of training and I worked Tuesday - Friday from 6-10 pm. So that left Lee with the boys for dinner cleanup, baths and bedtime. Thankfully, Lee's parents were coming through town on their way home and stayed for 2 night with us! THANKS to Trish and Kit for helping Lee with the boys at night!! It meant a lot to Lee and I and the boys loved having them here! I know Lee is more than capable of taking care of Carter & Hudson, but the extra help is always nice!
The week went good, but fast! I really enjoyed being back in the lab, and around other adults. It took a couple nights to retrain by brain how things are done in a hospital lab setting, but by Friday I was doing things without asking any questions... and my team leader even said that "someone" had commented how good I was doing!! That made me feel good, because the night before I almost left in tears (I put so much pressure on myself to do good, especially since I have done this before).
I have another full week of training this week. I hope after that to be on my normal schedule which is Mon/Wed from 6-10pm.
So in between running Carter to preschool, Hudson's language teacher coming, doctor's appointmets (he got new hearing aids this week), grocery trips, nap times, and now working, the house cleaning had to wait until today. Oh well, such is life!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Zoo Fun!

One of the best parts of our trip to Omaha/Lincoln last weekend was going to the Henry Doorly Zoo. Lee & I have been wanting to take the boys all summer, but never had a chance when we would make quick weekend trips back home. Since Lee took a couple extra days off we planned to go to the Zoo on Sunday and invited both of our families and everyone was really excited to go! The boys LOVED it and so did we. The best part was seeing their reactions or hearing Carter's little comments about each animal. Both boys were so worn out by the end of the day, but Carter was especially tired because he pretty much RAN from exhibit to exhibit. We asked him several times after what was his favorite and each time it was something different!
Here are a bunch of pictures from our day at the zoo...

Monday, September 8, 2008

Long Weekend

We took a long weekend and headed to Lincoln and Omaha for some family time. We had a lot of activities planned so we were on the go! Good thing the boys do well in the car.

We spent Friday night at our good friends Mike, Trish and Carson Roaches house. We missed seeing Trish and Carson, but the new Visla puppies were a hit with Carter and Hudson. Carter wanted to take one home and I seriously considered it, until I pictured our leather couch becoming a chew toy. Oh... they found out on Friday that they are having a boy!! Carson is going to be a big brother! We are thrilled for them and can't wait to meet the little guy in early 2009.

The entire Christie family was able to be together as Nick and Lauren were here from Las Vegas. It was really nice spending Saturday night with everybody. We had some great food and celebrated the August birthday's. Jenn, Lauren and I were the birthday gals and my Mother-in-law, Trish made the traditional red velvet cake with butter cream icing!! YUMMY!

Me (shorty), Lauren, and my sister-in-law Jennifer

It was so neat to see the cousins play and interact. Five boy cousins running around...but my sister-in-law Karen & brother-in-law Pete will be adding a little girl in November. I can't wait to shop for pink and purple outfits and baby dolls!

Zach holding Hudson, Carter & Christian holding Collin

We were also able to spend a good chunk of time with my parents too. Carter learned to snap garden beans with Grandma Helen & Hudson could not get enough of Grandpa Ron!! We have been VERY LUCKY to have my Dad spend quite a bit of time with us this summer, so the boys and Grandpa have become best buds!

We really had a good weekend, but it went WAY to fast!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

First Day of Preschool

Today was Carter's first day of Preschool at the Science Center of Iowa. Lee & I have been talking about and preparing Carter for this day since we started potty training him back in February. Since that time, Carter always cried or said that he didn't want to go, or that he wants to be with me, not at preschool.

This morning was a pleasant surprise for us! Carter got up happy (which always is a plus), and got ready in his new outfit, ate a great breakfast, posed for some pictures and when we got to preschool, he WALKED RIGHT IN!!!!!! No tears, painful goodbyes, or grabbing at my leg!!! YEAH!!! Lee & I just looked at eachother and about fell over in shock!!

I picked him up two and a half hours later and asked him if he had fun at his new preschool. He said yes but informed me that he won't be returning on Thursday morning because "one time was e-nough!!!" This will be an adventure for all of us!