Thursday, November 20, 2008

Woot Woot!

I've been tagged to play this fun game!!!

The rules are to write 5 things under each of the 5 headings, and then tag 5 other people.

10 years ago...
1. I was 20 years old
2. Living with a crazy girl
3. Working two jobs
4. Praying every night for Mr. Right :)
5. I was on a bowling league with friends from work....good times!!

5 Things on Today's "To-Do" List...
1. Dishes left from last night
2. Carter to and from Preschool
3. Nap (yes, I know, I am being lazy today because Hudson was up all night with teething issues)
4. Go to Valley West Mall to Children's Place and Gymboree
5. Play and enjoy my night off with my boys

5 Snacks I Enjoy...
1. String Cheese
2. Yogurt
3. Chips and Salsa
4. Honey Crisp Apples
5. Granola Bars

5 Things I Would Do if I were a Millionaire!
1. (if we won the $$) Check my hubby's excel "we won the powerball" spreadsheet :)
2. Have more babies
3. Hire a maid
4. College funds for my kids
5. Get Lee a spiffy new car and a super cool SUV for me!

5 Places I Have Lived...
1. Thomasbrook apartments / Lincoln, NE
2. Granada Lane / Lincoln, NE
3. West Billy Ct. / Lincoln, NE
4. Urbandale, IA
5. Des Moines, IA

5 Jobs I've had/Still have...
1. Babysitter
2. Jewelry Dept. @ Shopko
3. Human Resources Assistant
4. Specimen Prep Tech
5. The BEST job ever..... MOM

Okay.. now I am tagging 5 friends...
1. Valerie
2. Emily
3. Julie K.
4. Renae
5. I guess I only have 4, all the others have been tagged already!!

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