Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Dentist, our 4-legged friends and my BIG eater!

Just a few random things from this week...
Carter had his first visit to the dentist a few weeks ago and they discovered a small cavity (that darn sippy cup of milk at night). So, we went back to have it filled and I was more nervous than him. Once again Carter surprised me! He did great. They made him smell the laughing gas (nitrous oxide) and did everything in like 5 minutes. We were in and out in less than 15 minutes. Hudson did great too, he sat on my lap while I held Carter's hand. All Carter remembers is that he smelled something a little funny, they put jelly on his tooth to make it sleep and then he was all done! The best part is that we have finally switched to water before bed... first couple nights were rough, but I kept telling Carter " Dr. Whittmore said no milk before bed."

It has finally warmed up a little this week, so we have been out in the backyard alot. Sunday Lee and Carter were out back and found a bunny nest with 5 baby bunnies in it. This has been all Carter talks about... and he wants to "check" on them all the time. Lee and I have explained over and over that he can't touch or hold the bunnies, because the mommy might not come back if she knows you have been messing with her home and babies. It's really hard to explain to a 3 year old that LOVES animals. Oh, and yesterday he found this HUGE frog by our patio too. He liked caring it around until it peed on his hand :)

I thought this picture was a perfect time to share what a great eater Hudson is. At most meals he can out eat Carter. He keeps shoveling in the food and will let us know if he wants more. He loves most fruits and veggies, chicken, mac 'n' cheese, hotdogs, and waffles, but his all time favorite is watermelon. He ate sooooo much of it this summer! In this picture he was eating some new Chef Buyordee ravioli.Yum yum!

My 27 lb. 14 month old!


The Sneaky Mommy said...

You have the cutest boys in the world! I love the "eating" picture! Carter needs to teach Cloe how to be brave in touching those creepy crawly slimy animals! We're all chickens!

The Wannabe Redhead said...

I couldn't stop laughing at all of the pictures you posted! Hudson is starting to look more grown up (minus the spaghetti all over his face)!! Carter holding the Frog is priceless!
I miss them so much!!

Unknown said...

I have to send you our pics of the bunny nest we almost mowed over this summer...looks like the same picture-lol. Love the boys pics...they are so sweet.