Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Is it the middle of November already?? Where has the last few weeks gone?

We had Carter's preschool conferences at the beginning of November. Both of his teachers say that he is doing well! Lee and I are so excited to see him adjusting to new situations and growing into a little man! I have to keep my patience with him some days, because he talks non-stop and questions everything!
Hudson is keeping us on our toes too! We have a small kids table that I have in the dinning room for coloring, other activities... and he loves to climb up and stand on the chairs. He then proceeds to get my attention, and when I finally see him, he gives me BIG grin! Ornery! He also has cut 4 new teeth just within the last week or so! OUCH! We are still working hard at getting him to vocalize and talk. The Heartland teacher we have is now coming every 2 weeks, to see if we can get him to talk more. I have been working hard at home to try to get him to repeat me or look at books and pictures, and he is just not interested. He is saying "Daddy" and today I got him to say "Poppa" on the phone to my Dad!! He does sign "more" when he wants more food or drink, so that is very helpful to me! He also understands a lot of what we say to him. He definitely knows when I tell him to "go to your chair" at the kitchen table. He will go over and pull out the chair so I can put him in his booster seat. This boy LOVES to eat!! We will keep working hard and praying that he will start vocalizing and talking...but with a brother that talks non-stop, who needs to say anything? :) :)
We are still waiting for the initial results back from Boys Town concerning the genetics testing for Hudson's hearing loss. It was taking forever, so I called and there was some miscommunication, so things should be on track now. We hope to hear back in the next couple weeks.
Lee and I are keeping plenty busy too! We are looking forward to hosting Thanksgiving at our house with my family again this year! Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday ever! I can't wait for all the delicious food and fun shopping with my Mom and sisters. Can you say Midnight Madness???
Thanks to a fellow blogger friend for letting me know about the cool free layouts for my blog! You are always SUPER inspiring and full of great recipes and ideas!! I strive to be like you! Thanks LC!!

1 comment:

The Sneaky Mommy said...

You're just too sweet! I love reading about your boys! We loved having Heartland work with Cloe on her speech. I'm glad they are working with your family!
Can't wait to see you at the mall at midnight! :) I'll be fightin' with the crazies for the bargains!