Sunday, January 11, 2009


I promise to post some pictures of the boys this week. I haven't taken any pictures since Christmas and truthfully neither can stay still long enough for me to get a good one!
Carter is back in preschool and as ornery as ever. This last week his appetite exploded and he is eating everything on his plate and plenty of snacks in between meals. This boy is growing like a weed.. he is in size 5T or boys XS clothes!

Husdon is keeping us busy too! He is talking and his two favorite words are Dad (Lee is loving this) and boot-ball (football). He also can say Mom, Poppa, Mamma, bird, bug and about 10 other simple words too! He is in a major climbing stage. He loves sitting ON the kitchen table.. he did have his first fall this week. Bumped his head pretty good, but within 20 minutes was trying to get back up there again. Oh.. and he LOVES to imitate his brother. Monkey see, monkey do! Carter will dance, run in circles, scream (working to correct this) or say something funny and Huddy loves to try and do it too.

Coupon tip:
If you have a Kmart in your area, check the ad this week. Some are doubling coupons up to $2. I scored a bunch of goodies for cheap today! Before coupons = $100.22, after coupons = $11.00!! Our local Animal Rescue League will be getting lots of free cat food, and Sadie is stocked up on dog treats for a couple months. I know, you are thinking Kmart, who shops there? That's so old school. Seriously.. make sure your store is doing it, line up your coupons, and go!!


The Sneaky Mommy said...

What K-mart did you go to? The one on University about fried my hour of searching and matching up coupons only to have them not take internet coupons or coupons over $1...augh!!!!!!! I sort of wanted to let my boys loose in their store for awhile....grrrr.... BUT I am super glad for your deals...I'll share in your joy and let my bitterness toward the Big K go. ;)

The Wannabe Redhead said...

Kmart, Kmart that's our store! We shop there because we're poor! Kmart, Kmart....ahhh memories!! :)
Way to go on the coupons!
Pretty soon all of those stores are going to have your picture posted...."Do not let this woman shop here!" LOL

Paws for the Cause said...

"Our local Animal Rescue League will be getting lots of free cat food,"

I think adopting a cute little kitten from an animal rescue/Humane society would be great idea for all that cat food. That kitty would get all the love and attention it could ever need in a animal loving home like yours.